Pediatric Physiotherapy Kid Physiotherapy

Paediatric Physical Therapy is the treatment forphysical disabilities likeActivities of Daily life, and Gross Motor functional activities. The physical therapist will use world wide accepted approaches and technique.
There are many forms of treatment available, so it is imperative that our highly trained therapists fully assess your child and determine the therapy on the bases of SMART functional GOAL.

Signs Your Child may need Physical Therapy

Delay in achieving any motor milestone like head holding, turning, sitting, getting up from sleeping, crawling, standing, walking etc.

  • Not using one hand and / or leg
  • Not taking weight on one leg while walking
  • Keep heel off while walking and standing
  • Difficulties riding a bike 
  • Obvious limps or weaknesses
  • Looseness in torso, hands and legs
  • Stiffness in torso, hand and legs
  • Crossing the leg
  • Throwing of head backwards
  • Disturbed sleep pattern
  • Poor balance and coordination
  • Frequent fall
  • Awkward walking pattern
  • Any congenital problem or syndromes leading to delay in development
  • Difficulty in performing task